Today’s Manna!

Philippians 2:5-7

In the profound words of the apostle Paul to the Philippians, we are beckoned into the very heart of Christ’s humility. “Have this mind among yourselves, which is yours in Christ Jesus,” Paul exhorts, urging us to adopt the same attitude that Jesus exemplified in His earthly journey (Philippians 2:5, ESV).

Consider the astonishing paradox presented: Jesus, the very essence of God, did not cling to the privileges of divinity. Instead, He willingly chose a path of humility, descending from the heights of glory to take on the form of a servant. The Creator became the created; the King assumed the role of a servant.

This self-emptying, known as kenosis, is a divine mystery that invites our contemplation. Jesus willingly laid aside the majesty of His divine prerogatives, not to diminish His deity but to identify with humanity. The Word became flesh, and in doing so, He embraced the fullness of human experience.

As we meditate on this profound truth, we are confronted with the challenge to cultivate the mind of Christ in our own lives. It’s an invitation to relinquish pride, to let go of the desire for recognition and status, and to embrace a posture of servanthood. Christ’s humility is not a call to self-deprecation but a beckoning to selfless love and sacrificial service.

In a world that often exalts self-interest and personal ambition, the call to have the mind of Christ stands as a counter-cultural beacon. It challenges us to view success not through the lens of personal gain but through the impact we make in the lives of others.

As we journey through our days, let us reflect on the humility of Christ, who, though deserving of all glory, chose the path of a servant. May His example inspire us to live lives marked by compassion, generosity, and a genuine concern for the well-being of those around us.

Gracious Father, we thank you for the profound example of humility set by your Son, Jesus Christ. May His self-emptying love inspire us to embrace the mind of Christ in our daily lives. Help us to set aside selfish ambitions and, instead, seek opportunities to serve others with genuine love and humility. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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