Today’s Manna!

Scripture: Luke 2:10

In the shepherds’ field, bathed in the ethereal glow of an angelic presence, a proclamation resounds in Luke 2:10: “But the angel said to them, ‘Do not be afraid. I bring you good news that will cause great joy for all the people.'” These words mark the advent of the Savior and encapsulate the inclusive nature of the gospel—good news for all people.

The birth of Jesus, heralded as “good news,” shatters the boundaries of exclusivity. It is an announcement meant for everyone, regardless of status, background, or circumstance. The shepherds, considered lowly in society, were the recipients of this celestial message, underscoring the universal accessibility of God’s salvation.

The inclusive nature of the gospel finds its roots in God’s redemptive plan for humanity. The arrival of Jesus is not restricted to a select few but extends to the whole world. Salvation is not an exclusive privilege but an open invitation, a divine gesture of love reaching out to people from every walk of life.

As we ponder Luke 2:10, we are reminded that the joyous message of Christmas is not reserved for the privileged or righteous. It is a beacon of hope for the broken, a source of comfort for the weary, and a promise of redemption for all who believe. The good news is not bound by human limitations; it reaches into the depths of every heart, offering the gift of salvation.

This inclusive message challenges us to embrace a broader perspective in our interactions with others. The grace extended to us through Christ compels us to share the good news, breaking down barriers that may hinder others from experiencing the joy and salvation found in Jesus.

Heavenly Father, we thank You for the inclusive nature of the gospel, the good news proclaimed to all people. Help us to share this message with joy and love, reaching out to those who may feel excluded. May the salvation offered through Jesus be a source of hope and joy for everyone we encounter. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.

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