Today’s Manna!

Imagine attending a joyous celebration, surrounded by loved ones, laughter echoing in the air. But beyond the merriment, a secret understanding binds you – a hidden mark, a silent vow that whispers, “We belong together, now and forever.” Ephesians 4:30 captures this eternal connection: “Do not grieve the Holy Spirit of God, in whom you were sealed for the day of redemption.” We, as believers, haven’t just participated in a joyous gathering; we’ve been “sealed” by the Holy Spirit, marked with an unbreakable bond that promises redemption and belonging.

This seal isn’t a literal stamp; it’s a deep assurance woven into the fabric of our souls. It signifies our ownership by God, our belonging to His holy family, and our guaranteed future as His redeemed children. As Romans 8:15-16 proclaims, “For you did not receive a spirit of bondage leading to fear, but you received the Spirit of adoption by whom we cry out, ‘Abba, Father.’ The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are children of God.” (NIV)

Remembering this seal should bring tremendous comfort and confidence. No matter what storms rage around us, no matter how lost or alone we feel, the Spirit’s mark remains, an eternal whisper of God’s presence and love. And just as a lover’s kiss holds the promise of unwavering devotion, the seal of the Holy Spirit assures us of God’s unyielding faithfulness, whispering: “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” (Hebrews 13:5)

But this sacred bond comes with a responsibility. The verse warns us not to “grieve the Holy Spirit.” This isn’t about earning our salvation through flawless behavior, but about living in ways that align with the character of the One who has claimed us. It’s about cultivating fruits like love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control (Galatians 5:22-23) – traits that reflect the Spirit’s own nature.

Living within the seal of the Holy Spirit may not always be easy. We’ll stumble, we’ll falter, and we’ll grieve the Spirit at times. But even then, His seal remains, a constant reminder of His forgiveness and unending love. So today, let’s celebrate the joy of being sealed by the Holy Spirit. Let this understanding of our eternal belonging color every thought and action. Let it be a source of strength in times of doubt, a compass guiding us towards righteousness, and a melody of hope that resonates through our lives.

Remember, you are not a casual guest at God’s celebration; you are a deeply cherished child, forever marked by His love. Carry the seal of the Holy Spirit with pride, let it guide your steps, and allow it to radiate the joy and hope that come from belonging to the family of God.

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