Today’s Manna!

In our journey of faith, it’s easy to fall into the trap of judgmental attitudes, looking down on others while overlooking our own flaws. However, the apostle Paul reminds us in Romans 2:1-4 that passing judgment on others only serves to condemn ourselves. He urges us to embrace compassion and humility, recognizing that we are all recipients of God’s grace.

True spiritual growth begins with self-reflection and repentance. When we acknowledge our own shortcomings and vulnerabilities, we cultivate a heart of compassion towards others. Instead of criticizing or condemning, we extend grace and understanding, knowing that we too are in need of forgiveness.

God’s kindness towards us is not meant to be hoarded but shared generously with those around us. As we experience the depth of His mercy and patience, we are called to reflect His character in our interactions with others. When we respond to others with compassion rather than judgment, we become vessels of God’s love and grace in the world.

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