Dear Anoop,

As I sit here reminiscing about our shared memories, I am filled with both sorrow and gratitude. Your departure from this world has left a void in our lives that cannot be filled, yet the memories we created together bring me comfort and warmth.

From our childhood days to our time in school, seminary, and our mission adventures in Manipur and Mumbai, we shared countless moments of laughter, joy, and camaraderie. Your gentle and humble spirit touched the hearts of all who knew you, and your absence is deeply felt by family and friends alike.

While the thought of not having you by our side brings tears to our eyes, we find solace in knowing that you have been called home to be with the Lord. Your tireless dedication to serving Him in His vineyard is a testament to your unwavering faith and commitment.

Your legacy as a cross-cultural missionary will continue to inspire generations to come. Your selfless efforts and dedication to spreading the love of Christ will never be forgotten, and your reward in heaven will be great.

Though we may grieve your physical absence, we take comfort in the hope of being reunited with you one day on the other shore. Until then, your will live on in our hearts, guiding and comforting us through the trials of life.

Enjoy your being with the Lord, dear Anoop. You will always be cherished and remembered with love.

With heartfelt condolences,

Daily Manna Team, Manual, Abigail and Pulickapparambil Family