Today’s Manna!

In Romans 10:1, the Apostle Paul expresses his heartfelt desire for the salvation of his fellow Israelites, highlighting the importance of fervent prayer and intercession for those who have yet to believe in Christ. This passage serves as a reminder of the power of prayer in the work of evangelism and the urgency of sharing the gospel with others.

Paul begins by expressing his deep love and longing for the salvation of his kinsmen according to the flesh—the people of Israel. Despite his own personal hardships and trials, Paul’s heart is burdened with a passionate desire to see his fellow Jews come to faith in Jesus Christ. His earnest plea underscores the importance of praying for the spiritual welfare of others, especially those who have not yet embraced the gospel message.

As believers, we are called to follow Paul’s example of intercessory prayer, lifting up our friends, family members, neighbors, and even strangers before the throne of grace. Just as Paul prayed fervently for the salvation of the Jews, so too are we called to pray persistently for the lost, trusting in God’s mercy and grace to bring about their redemption.

Prayer is a powerful weapon in the hands of the believer, capable of breaking down spiritual strongholds and opening hearts to receive the gospel. Through prayer, we can partner with God in His work of salvation, asking Him to send forth laborers into the harvest field and to draw people to Himself with cords of love and compassion.

Let us commit ourselves to regular and earnest prayer for the salvation of those who have yet to know Christ. May we intercede on behalf of the lost, asking God to remove the scales from their eyes, soften their hearts, and lead them into a saving relationship with Jesus. And may our prayers be fueled by faith, knowing that God hears and answers the cries of His children according to His perfect will.

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