Today’s Manna!

In Romans 16:17-19, the Apostle Paul warns the believers in Rome about the danger of division and false teaching within the church. He urges them to be vigilant and to hold fast to the teachings of Scripture, resisting anything that threatens to undermine their faith.

Paul’s words remind us of the importance of guarding against false teaching and division within the body of Christ. He encourages believers to stay rooted in the truth of God’s Word and to be discerning of those who seek to lead them astray.

Consider the story of the Berean Jews in Acts 17:10-12. When Paul preached the gospel to them, they listened eagerly but also examined the Scriptures daily to see if what Paul said was true. Their example of diligent study and discernment serves as a model for us today, reminding us to test all teachings against the standard of God’s Word.

As modern-day believers, we are called to follow the example of the Bereans, diligently studying the Scriptures and holding fast to the truth. Let us be vigilant against division and false teaching, standing firm in our faith and striving for unity in the body of Christ.

Coming Soon….

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