Daily Manna!

1 Corinthians 11:28-29

This passage emphasizes self-reflection and discernment before partaking in the Lord’s Supper. When we approach the communion table, we are not merely consuming bread and wine; we are participating in a sacred act that symbolizes Christ’s sacrifice for our sins.

Consider the story of the prodigal son (Luke 15:11-32). The younger son squandered his inheritance, hit rock bottom, and returned home in shame. But the father, filled with compassion, welcomed him back with open arms. The son had examined himself, recognized his need for forgiveness, and found grace.

Similarly, when we approach the communion table, we must examine our hearts. Are we harbouring unforgiveness? Are we living in disobedience? The bread and cup remind us of Christ’s body broken and blood shed for our redemption. As we partake, let us discern the significance and humbly seek forgiveness and reconciliation.

May this reflection guide you as you partake in communion, remembering the depth of Christ’s love and sacrifice.

Prayer: “Dear Heavenly Father, as we come to Your table, help us examine our hearts. May we discern the body of Christ—the Church—and recognize our need for forgiveness. Thank You for Your grace and mercy. In Jesus’ name, amen.”

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