Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Ruth’s diligence and hard work are evident. She labors from morning until evening, gleaning barley in Boaz’s field. Her efforts result in an ephah of barley—an impressive amount for a day’s work. When she returns to Naomi, not only does she bring the gathered barley, but also shares what she had left over from her meal. This shows Ruth’s commitment to providing for Naomi and her own dedication to making the most of the opportunities given to her.

An inspiring example of diligence and provision in the Bible is Joseph’s story in Egypt (Genesis 41). Despite being sold into slavery and wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph remains diligent and faithful. His hard work and God-given wisdom eventually lead him to become Pharaoh’s second-in-command. Joseph’s preparation and planning during the seven years of plenty ensure that Egypt and surrounding nations are sustained during the subsequent seven years of famine. His foresight and hard work not only save many lives but also demonstrate God’s providence and blessing through diligent effort.

The lessons from Ruth and Joseph encourage us to be diligent in our endeavors and to share our blessings with others. In our modern lives, this might mean working hard at our jobs, being consistent in our commitments, or helping those around us with our time and resources. Diligence combined with a heart of generosity can make a significant impact on our communities and reflect God’s love and provision.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the examples of diligence and provision in the Bible. Help us to work hard in all we do and to share our blessings with others. May our efforts honor You and provide for those in need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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