Today’s Manna!

In these verses, we see Esther’s humility and wisdom as she prepares to meet King Xerxes. Rather than relying on her own judgment, she trusts Hegai’s expertise and guidance. This decision, along with her natural grace, wins her the favor of everyone she encounters. Esther’s approach and the favor she receives underscore God’s providential care and the importance of humility and trust in God’s leading.

A similar example in the Bible is Joseph’s rise to power in Egypt. Despite being sold into slavery and imprisoned, Joseph consistently relied on God’s wisdom and favor. When Pharaoh needed an interpreter for his dreams, Joseph didn’t rely on his own understanding but acknowledged that interpretations belong to God (Genesis 41:16). His faithfulness and reliance on God led to his elevation to a position of great influence, much like Esther’s rise to become queen.

These stories teach us that humility, trust, and faithfulness are key to receiving God’s favor and fulfilling His plans for our lives. In modern life, we can apply these lessons by seeking God’s guidance in our decisions, trusting the wisdom of those He places in our lives, and remaining faithful in our everyday tasks. Whether in our careers, relationships, or personal growth, relying on God rather than our own understanding can lead to greater opportunities and blessings.

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