Reading Time : 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Haman deceives King Xerxes by manipulating him into signing a decree to annihilate the Jews. Haman uses half-truths and exaggerations to paint the Jews as a threat, driven by his personal vendetta against Mordecai. The king, trusting Haman without verifying the facts, grants him authority to carry out his evil plan.

A similar situation occurs in the New Testament with Pilate and Jesus. In Matthew 27:20-26, the religious leaders persuade the crowd to ask for Jesus’ crucifixion. Pilate, though recognizing Jesus’ innocence, succumbs to the pressure of the crowd and authorizes Jesus’ death. Both instances highlight the danger of unchecked power and the importance of discernment.

These stories warn us to be vigilant against deception and manipulation. In our lives, we must be careful not to accept information at face value without seeking the truth. This could involve verifying facts before making decisions, questioning motives behind suggestions, or praying for wisdom in challenging situations.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the wisdom in Your Word. Help us to be discerning in our decisions and cautious of those who seek to deceive. Give us the courage to seek and stand for the truth, even when it is difficult. Guide us in Your truth, and protect us from the snares of the enemy. Amen.

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