Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Esther takes a bold and dangerous step by approaching King Xerxes uninvited, an act that could have cost her life. But driven by her desire to save her people, she risks everything, trusting in God’s providence. The king’s favorable response, symbolized by his extending the golden scepter, signifies not just his favor but God’s intervention in Esther’s courageous act.

An inspiring example is found in the New Testament when Peter walked on water toward Jesus (Matthew 14:28-31). Like Esther, Peter took a step of faith into what seemed like an impossible situation. When Peter began to sink, Jesus intervened and saved him. Both Esther and Peter demonstrate the power of stepping out in faith, trusting that God will intervene.

In our lives, there are times when we need to take bold steps—whether it’s addressing a difficult situation, making a crucial decision, or standing up for what’s right. Like Esther, we can trust that God will intervene, changing hearts and circumstances in ways that only He can.

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