Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, we witness a pivotal moment where God’s timing becomes evident. King Xerxes, unable to sleep, is prompted to review the chronicles of his reign, leading to the discovery of Mordecai’s unrecognized act of loyalty. This moment of insomnia becomes the turning point in the story, setting the stage for Mordecai’s eventual honor and the unraveling of Haman’s plot. God’s providence is at work, ensuring that the righteous are remembered and rewarded, even when it seems that their deeds have gone unnoticed.

An inspiring example of divine intervention can be seen in the life of Joseph in the New Testament. After being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph faced numerous trials and injustices. Yet, in God’s perfect timing, he was elevated to a position of power in Egypt, where he could save his family and many others during a severe famine (Genesis 41:41-43). Like Mordecai, Joseph’s faithfulness was eventually recognized and rewarded in God’s time.

In our own lives, we may feel that our efforts or good deeds go unnoticed or that we are stuck in unjust situations. However, Esther 6:1-3 reminds us that God sees all and that His timing is perfect. We are encouraged to trust in His plans, knowing that He can use even the smallest circumstances to bring about His purposes. Just as King Xerxes’ sleepless night led to Mordecai’s recognition, God can intervene in unexpected ways to bring about justice and blessing in our lives.

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