Today’s Manna!

This powerful verse was spoken by Moses as he prepared to pass leadership to Joshua. It was a reminder that even though Moses wouldn’t be with them, God would be. This assurance of God’s presence and guidance was meant to encourage the Israelites as they faced the unknown challenges of entering the Promised Land.

After Moses’ death, Joshua took on the daunting task of leading the Israelites. He faced numerous challenges, including the fortified city of Jericho. Yet, because Joshua trusted that God was with him, he led the Israelites to victory. God’s promise to never leave nor forsake him was fulfilled every step of the way.

In our modern lives, we also face challenges that can feel overwhelming. Whether it’s a new job, a difficult decision, or an uncertain future, this verse reassures us that God is with us. We don’t need to be paralyzed by fear or discouragement because the same God who guided Joshua goes before us today. Trusting in His presence allows us to move forward with courage and confidence, knowing we are never alone.

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