Today’s Manna!

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus presents a radical vision of the Kingdom of God. Speaking to a crowd of followers and curious onlookers, Jesus redefines what it means to be blessed. In this verse, He declares that the meek, often seen as weak or powerless, are the ones who will ultimately inherit the earth. In the cultural context of Jesus’ day, meekness wasn’t a valued trait—power and dominance were. Yet Jesus flips this idea on its head, teaching that true strength lies in humility and gentleness.

Meekness, in its literal sense, is about controlled strength, not weakness. It is the choice to be humble and gentle in the face of adversity, trusting in God’s justice rather than seeking our own. This promise that the meek will inherit the earth points to both present spiritual blessings and future fulfillment in God’s Kingdom.

Picture a strong horse that’s been tamed. Its power is under control, directed by its master. Meekness is similar—it’s not the absence of strength, but strength under God’s control. In a world that often glorifies aggression and self-promotion, Jesus calls us to a different path, one that leads to true blessing.

Do you struggle with the tension between strength and meekness? How can you embody this gentle strength in your daily life? Reflect on moments when you’ve faced conflict—what would meekness look like in those situations?

Today, practice meekness by choosing humility over asserting your own way. Whether in a conversation or a conflict, trust God to vindicate you rather than seeking your own justice.

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