Today’s Manna!

The Book of Hebrews was written to Jewish Christians who were tempted to revert to Judaism due to persecution. The author reminds them of the unshakable kingdom they have in Christ, contrasting it with the temporal and fading systems of the world. This passage calls believers to respond to God’s grace with gratitude and reverent worship, acknowledging God’s holiness and power.

These verses emphasize the permanence of God’s kingdom and the appropriate response of worship from His people. God, described as a “consuming fire,” highlights His purity and the seriousness with which He regards worship. Our response should be one of awe and reverence, recognizing both His majesty and His grace.

Consider a blazing fire—powerful, beautiful, and dangerous if approached carelessly. God’s holiness is like that fire, and our worship should reflect a deep respect and understanding of His nature. Yet, we can approach Him with confidence, knowing we are part of an unshakable kingdom.

How often do you approach worship with a sense of awe and gratitude? Do you recognize the unshakable nature of the kingdom you’ve received? Reflect on what it means to worship God with both reverence and joy, acknowledging His holiness and the gift of His grace.

Today, take time to offer grateful worship to God. Focus on the unshakable kingdom He has given you, and let your praise be filled with reverence and awe. Consider how you can cultivate a deeper sense of worship in your daily life.

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