Today’s Manna!

The Apostle John, known as the “apostle of love,” wrote this letter to early Christians, emphasizing the importance of love in the life of a believer. During a time when the church was facing false teachings and division, John reminded them that true love originates from God and is a defining characteristic of those who belong to Him.

In fact, this verse calls believers to love one another because love is evidence of a genuine relationship with God. If we are born of God and know Him, His love should naturally flow through us to others. Love is not just a feeling but a reflection of God’s nature within us.

Imagine a lamp connected to a power source. As long as it’s connected, the light shines brightly. In the same way, when we are connected to God, who is love, His light shines through us. Just as the lamp can’t shine without electricity, we can’t truly love others without being connected to God.

How do you reflect God’s love in your relationships? Are there areas in your life where love is lacking? Reflect on how your connection to God can deepen your capacity to love others, even those who are difficult to love.

Today, make an intentional effort to show love to someone in your life. Whether through a kind word, a thoughtful gesture, or simply listening, let God’s love flow through you to others. Ask God to help you love more like Him each day.

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