Today’s Manna!

At this point in Acts, Peter was imprisoned by King Herod, who was persecuting the early church. James, the brother of John, had already been killed, and Peter was next in line. Yet, in the face of this dire situation, the church didn’t respond with fear—they responded with prayer. The gathered believers earnestly sought God for Peter’s deliverance.

Literally, this verse shows us the power of a praying community. While Peter was physically bound in chains, the church was spiritually uniting to intercede on his behalf. The word “earnestly” emphasizes the depth and fervency of their prayers, demonstrating their faith in God’s ability to intervene, even in impossible circumstances.

Imagine a person holding onto a rope in a storm, trying to pull a loved one to safety. No matter how fierce the wind or heavy the rain, they don’t let go because their hope is in the strength of the rope. Similarly, the church clung to prayer, knowing it was their lifeline to God’s power.

How can you, like the early church, respond to difficult circumstances with earnest prayer? Are there situations where you need to unite with others in prayer, trusting God for the outcome?

Today, consider gathering with fellow believers to pray for someone in need or a difficult situation. Let the intensity of your prayers reflect the confidence you have in God’s power to intervene.

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