Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Moses is leading the Israelites through the wilderness after their exodus from Egypt. Despite the people’s rebellion and disobedience, Moses seeks reassurance from God that He will not abandon them. God responds with a promise: His presence will remain with them, and He will provide rest in the midst of their journey.

This verse shows us that God’s presence is not just a vague idea but a tangible reality that brings peace and rest. The Hebrew word for “rest” here suggests a sense of security and tranquillity that only comes from knowing God is near, guiding and protecting His people. Even though the Israelites were in an uncertain and difficult season, God’s promise gave them the confidence to move forward.

Imagine a child resting in their parent’s arms after a long, exhausting day. No matter the chaos around them, the child feels safe and at peace because they trust their parent’s care. In the same way, God invites us to rest in His presence, no matter how overwhelming life’s challenges may be.

Where do you need to trust in God’s presence today? Are there areas in your life where you’re feeling anxious, trying to move forward in your own strength? Reflect on God’s promise of rest and peace when we remain in His presence.

Today, take a moment to be still before God. Acknowledge His presence and hand over your worries to Him, trusting that He will give you the rest you need.

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