Today’s Manna!

In this verse, Paul shares a deeply personal encounter with God. He had been struggling with a “thorn in the flesh,” something that caused him ongoing distress. Despite his prayers for relief, God’s answer wasn’t to remove the problem but to assure Paul of His sustaining grace. God revealed that His power is most fully displayed in human weakness.

In fact, this scripture teaches that human weakness becomes a vessel for God’s strength. Instead of delivering Paul from his affliction, God empowered him to endure it, using his struggle as a platform for divine strength.

Think of an athlete with a physical injury. If that athlete still manages to achieve great success, their accomplishment becomes even more remarkable because it highlights their perseverance despite limitations. Similarly, God’s power shines brightest when we lean on Him through our weaknesses.

Reflect on the areas in your life where you feel weak, discouraged, or overwhelmed. How can you trust in God’s grace to be enough in those moments? Instead of trying to be strong on your own, what would it look like to embrace your weakness and allow God’s power to carry you?

Today, surrender your struggles and fears to God. Remember that His grace is all you need. When you feel weak, lean into His strength, and let His power flow through you.

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