Daily devotions from the Bible!

Paul’s letter to the Ephesians was written to a diverse group of believers in Ephesus, encouraging unity and godly living. In this verse, Paul addresses the power of words, urging believers to use their speech for the benefit of others, to build up rather than tear down.

The literal meaning here is straightforward: avoid harmful or negative speech. Instead, speak in ways that are constructive and uplifting. Words have the power to either wound or heal, and as followers of Christ, we are called to use our words to encourage and strengthen those around us.

Imagine your words as seeds. If you plant seeds of criticism and negativity, those around you may wither in their spirits. But if you plant seeds of encouragement and love, you can nurture growth and hope in others. The words you speak have a lasting impact.

Think about your conversations over the last few days. Were your words helpful and kind? How can you be more intentional about speaking life into others?

This week, make an effort to speak words that lift up someone who is struggling. Compliment, encourage, or offer support—whatever the situation calls for.

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