Daily Devotional from the Bible!

This verse is part of God’s covenant renewal with Israel after they broke the first covenant by worshipping the golden calf. As Moses received the new stone tablets, God emphasized His holy nature and warned against idolatry, declaring that He is a “jealous” God who desires the exclusive devotion of His people.

In this context, “jealous” does not reflect human envy but God’s passionate love and protective nature over His relationship with His people. He knows that worshipping other gods leads His people away from the true source of life and blessing. His jealousy is a fierce commitment to their well-being and holiness.

Imagine a loving parent who sees their child being drawn into harmful behavior by negative influences. That parent’s jealousy is rooted in love—they want to protect their child from anything that could cause harm. Similarly, God’s jealousy reflects His desire to protect us from anything that would pull us away from His presence and purpose.

What “gods” are vying for your attention today? Is there anything that is taking priority over your relationship with the Lord? Reflect on your heart’s devotion and ask if anything has subtly become an idol.

This week, make an intentional effort to remove distractions and renew your commitment to the Lord. Consider spending extra time in prayer or fasting as an act of devotion.

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