Today’s Manna!

In Romans 3:21-24, the apostle Paul unfolds the heart of the gospel message—the righteousness of God revealed apart from the law, made available to all who believe in Jesus Christ. This righteousness is not earned through our own efforts or adherence to religious laws but is freely given by God’s grace.

As human beings, we all fall short of God’s perfect standard. Despite our best intentions, we cannot attain righteousness on our own. Yet, God, in His infinite mercy, offers us the gift of salvation through His Son, Jesus Christ. Through faith in Him, we are justified—declared righteous before God—regardless of our past failures or shortcomings.

The beauty of God’s grace is that it is extended to all people, irrespective of nationality, ethnicity, or social status. There is no distinction between Jew and Gentile; all are invited to partake in the redemption offered through Christ Jesus. This inclusive message reminds us of the universality of God’s love and His desire for reconciliation with every individual.

In response to God’s grace, we are called to embrace faith in Jesus Christ, acknowledging Him as our Savior and Lord. It is through this faith that we receive the gift of righteousness and experience true freedom from sin and condemnation.

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