Today’s Manna!

The essence of Easter lies in the profound truth encapsulated in Romans 4:25—a truth that speaks of the redemptive work of Jesus Christ on the cross and the victory He secured through His resurrection. As we reflect on this verse, we are reminded of the incredible love of God demonstrated through the sacrificial death and triumphant resurrection of His Son.

The first part of the verse declares that Jesus was “delivered over to death for our sins.” This speaks to the atoning sacrifice of Jesus on the cross, where He bore the weight of our sins and endured the punishment that we deserved. His death was not a tragic end but a deliberate act of love, fulfilling the divine plan of redemption established before the foundation of the world.

Yet, the story does not end at the cross. The second part of the verse proclaims that Jesus “was raised to life for our justification.” The resurrection of Jesus is the ultimate validation of His victory over sin and death. Through His resurrection, Jesus conquered the grave and secured our justification—our right standing before God. His resurrection is the assurance of our salvation and the guarantee of our eternal inheritance.

As we celebrate Easter, let us ponder the significance of Jesus’ death and resurrection. Let us remember that His sacrifice was not in vain but accomplished the redemption of humanity. Let us rejoice in the victory of Easter, knowing that through Jesus’ resurrection, we have been made righteous in the sight of God.

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