Today’s Manna!

In the grand tapestry of Scripture, there are passages that leave us in awe of the unfathomable wisdom and majesty of God. Romans 11:33-36 is one such passage, where the apostle Paul bursts forth in praise, overwhelmed by the depths of God’s wisdom, knowledge, and ways.

Paul’s exclamation begins with humility, acknowledging the inscrutability of God’s judgments and the unsearchable depths of His ways. As finite beings, we cannot fully comprehend the infinite mind of God or grasp the breadth of His wisdom. Yet, in our limited understanding, we catch glimpses of His glory and marvel at His greatness.

God’s wisdom is displayed in His sovereign plan of salvation, unfolding throughout history to bring redemption to all who believe. Despite the mysteries and complexities of His purposes, we trust in His goodness and faithfulness. Every twist and turn of our lives is under His control, guided by His perfect wisdom and love.

As we ponder the depths of God’s wisdom, we are reminded of our smallness in comparison to His greatness. Yet, in His grace, He invites us into relationship with Him, offering salvation through faith in His Son, Jesus Christ. We stand in awe of His mercy, grateful for His unmerited favor toward us.

Let us join with Paul in offering praise to our God, whose wisdom is beyond measure, whose ways are beyond understanding. May our hearts overflow with gratitude for His infinite goodness and love toward us. And may we trust in His wisdom, knowing that He works all things together for our good and His glory.

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