Today’s Manna!

In 1 Corinthians 5:9-11, Paul addresses the issue of associating with immoral people, particularly within the church. He distinguishes between interacting with non-believers and those within the church who persist in sinful behaviors.

Paul’s concern is for the purity and witness of the church. He clarifies that while believers inevitably interact with non-believers in their daily lives, they must take a firm stance against persistent, unrepentant sin within the church. This is to prevent the corruption of the community and to uphold the church’s integrity.

Consider the story of Nehemiah. When Nehemiah returned to Jerusalem to rebuild the walls, he faced opposition and corruption, even among his own people. In Nehemiah 13, after returning from a trip to Persia, he discovered that the temple was being misused, and the people had again intermarried with foreigners, violating God’s commands. Nehemiah took decisive action to purify the community, enforcing God’s laws and restoring order. His actions, though harsh, were necessary to preserve the sanctity of the people and their worship.

As believers, we must strive to live lives set apart for God, holding each other accountable with love and truth. This means addressing sin within the church, not out of judgment, but out of a desire for repentance, restoration, and a witness that honors God.

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