Coming Soon…..

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Paul shares his decision to remain in Ephesus due to the significant opportunities for ministry that have arisen. However, he also acknowledges the reality of opposition. This passage highlights an important truth about the Christian journey: where there are open doors for effective ministry, there is often opposition.

Paul’s awareness of both the opportunity and the opposition reflects his understanding of spiritual warfare. He recognized that effective work for the gospel would inevitably attract resistance. Yet, he was undeterred. His commitment to stay and continue his work in Ephesus, despite the opposition, is a powerful example of perseverance and faithfulness in the face of adversity.

A powerful example of facing opposition in the Bible is seen in the life of Daniel. Daniel, a faithful servant of God, rose to a position of influence in the Babylonian empire. However, his faithfulness to God brought him into direct conflict with the political leaders of his day. In Daniel 6:4-5 (NIV), his opponents tried to find grounds for charges against him but were unable to do so, as he was trustworthy and neither corrupt nor negligent. They finally devised a plan to use his faithfulness to God against him by creating a law that prohibited prayer to anyone except the king.

Despite knowing the consequences, Daniel continued his practice of praying to God three times a day. His unwavering commitment to God led to him being thrown into the lion’s den. Yet, God protected him, and Daniel’s faithfulness in the face of opposition led to God’s name being glorified throughout the kingdom (Daniel 6:26-27 NIV).

Daniel’s story reminds us that opposition will come, but steadfast faith and commitment to God’s work can turn challenges into testimonies of His power and faithfulness.

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