Today’s Manna!

These verses highlight the moment Esther becomes queen, chosen by King Xerxes for her beauty and grace. This pivotal event sets the stage for Esther’s future role in saving her people. Her elevation to queen is a testament to God’s providential care and orchestration of events for His purposes.

An inspiring example of a similar divine elevation is found in the story of David. Anointed by Samuel, David rose from shepherd to king of Israel. Despite many challenges and his humble beginnings, David’s heart for God and his faithfulness led to his eventual kingship (1 Samuel 16:13). His rise demonstrates how God can elevate those who are faithful and humble, using them for great purposes.

These stories teach us about the importance of being faithful and trusting in God’s timing. In our modern lives, we can apply these lessons by being diligent in our duties, maintaining humility, and trusting that God has a plan for us, even if we don’t see it immediately. Opportunities and elevations may come unexpectedly, but staying faithful and ready allows us to step into them fully when they do.

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