Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Haman’s sinister plot to destroy the Jews is formalized and communicated across the vast Persian Empire. With the king’s authority behind him, Haman issues a decree that spells out the mass extermination of an entire people group. This decree, driven by Haman’s hatred and pride, showcases the dangers of unchecked power and evil intentions. The Jewish people were unaware of the impending danger until the decree was publicly proclaimed, leaving them in a state of fear and uncertainty.

A New Testament example of a similar situation is seen with the apostle Paul, who once persecuted Christians with a zeal similar to Haman’s. In Acts 9:1-2, Paul, then known as Saul, was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.” He sought letters from the high priest to arrest and bring Christians to Jerusalem for punishment. However, God intervened, transforming Saul’s heart and turning him into one of the greatest apostles, showing that even the darkest intentions can be overcome by God’s power.

These passages remind us of the destructive potential of hatred and the importance of standing firm in our faith when faced with evil. In modern life, we must be vigilant in opposing injustice and advocating for those who are vulnerable. This could involve speaking out against discrimination, offering support to those in need, or simply living with integrity in a world where evil can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Special Prayer Request: Please pray for Wayanad, a district in Kerala, India! Extremely heavy rain triggered the landslides in the hilly areas of Wayanad early on Tuesday (30/07/24), leaving at least 305 people dead and more than 200 injured. Another 240 people are still missing. The rescue teams are working under harsh conditions to search for survivors and provide relief to the injured and displaced. Please pray for the rescue operations and for the people who lost their dear ones and everything they had including their homes.
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