Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Esther makes a courageous decision in the face of great danger. Knowing that approaching the king without being summoned could result in her death, Esther chooses to risk her life for the sake of her people. Her instructions to Mordecai reveal a deep reliance on God, as she calls for a three-day fast among the Jews of Susa. This act of collective fasting and prayer shows Esther’s understanding that her courage must be coupled with spiritual preparation and dependence on God’s will.

A powerful New Testament example that mirrors Esther’s bravery and dependence on God is found in Acts 4:29-31, where the early Christians, under threat from the authorities, prayed for boldness. Despite the danger of persecution, they asked God for the courage to continue proclaiming the gospel. Their prayer was answered with a filling of the Holy Spirit, enabling them to speak God’s word with boldness.

Esther’s story and the early Christians’ example remind us that when faced with daunting challenges, we must first seek God’s guidance and strength through prayer and fasting. In our modern lives, when we face difficult decisions or seemingly insurmountable obstacles, we too can follow Esther’s example by pausing to seek God’s direction, perhaps through prayer, fasting, or seeking counsel from others in our faith community. And like Esther, we must be prepared to take bold steps of faith, trusting that God is with us even when the path is risky.

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