Daily Devotions from the Bible!

In this passage, Jesus speaks to a Jewish audience, using the familiar imagery of a shepherd and his flock. Shepherds in ancient Israel were responsible for the care, safety, and guidance of their sheep. By calling Himself the “Good Shepherd,” Jesus contrasts His loving sacrifice with the indifference of hired hands, who flee when danger comes.

Literally, Jesus is saying that He is willing to lay down His life for His followers—His sheep. The hired hand, who works only for payment, runs away when the sheep are threatened because he lacks genuine care. But Jesus, the Good Shepherd, will stand between the flock and danger, even at the cost of His life.

Imagine a firefighter running into a burning building to save lives, while someone hired for a lesser role might hesitate. Jesus is like that firefighter, giving everything for the safety of those He loves.

Reflect on Jesus’ deep care for you, knowing He has laid down His life for you. How does this truth affect the way you trust Him in moments of danger, fear, or uncertainty?

Today, take time to rest in the security of being cared for by the Good Shepherd. Trust in His constant protection and love.

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