Today’s Manna!

In the grand tapestry of God’s eternal plan, a thread of divine timing is woven with meticulous precision. Galatians 4:4-5 (NIV) encapsulates this truth:

God’s timing is never arbitrary; it is purposeful and sovereign. At the precise moment determined by divine wisdom, the set time, God initiated the most extraordinary rescue mission. His Son was sent into the world, taking on human form, subject to the law, yet destined to fulfill it completely.

The phrase “born under the law” emphasizes Jesus’ complete identification with humanity. He experienced the weight of the law, not for His own transgressions, but for ours. His birth marked the beginning of a redemptive journey that would lead to the cross, where He would bear the weight of our sins.

The choice of the phrase “born of a woman” highlights the genuine humanity of Jesus. He entered the world through the ordinary yet extraordinary act of childbirth, experiencing the full spectrum of human existence.

The purpose behind this divine act was redemption. Jesus came not merely as a teacher or a moral guide; He came as the Redeemer, the One who would pay the price for our sins. The adoption into God’s family, emphasized in these verses, speaks of a radical transformation from being under the law’s condemnation to being embraced as sons and daughters of the Most High.

As we ponder these verses, let us marvel at the precision of God’s timing. The nativity scene in Bethlehem wasn’t a random event; it was the unfolding of God’s strategic plan to rescue humanity from the bondage of sin.