Today’s Manna!

Scripture: Proverbs 3:3-4

The sage advice of Proverbs flows like honeyed wisdom, and few verses hold a sweeter truth than 3:3-4: “Let not steadfast love and faithfulness depart from you; Bind them around your neck, Write them on the tablet of your heart. So you will find favor both with God and people, and you will gain good repute.” Here, we’re presented with a beautiful metaphor – etching the very essence of kindness and loyalty onto our being.

Imagine two precious jewels, “steadfast love” and “faithfulness,” entrusted to you. The text advises not to merely possess them, but to wear them as a necklace, a constant reminder of their importance. Let them brush against your skin, becoming woven into the fabric of your daily life. They are not decorations, but guiding lights, illuminating your interactions with God and others.

But the verse goes further. It urges us to “write them on the tablet of your heart.” Not on fleeting parchment, but on the very core of our being. These virtues should permeate our thoughts, desires, and actions. When confronted with a difficult choice, it’s not the whispered logic of the world that should guide us, but the echo of love and faithfulness etched within.

The rewards of doing so are twofold. We find favor with God, for He delights in hearts overflowing with kindness and loyalty. Our actions become an offering, aligning with His own character. But the impact extends to our fellow humans. We earn “good repute,” respected not for achievements or possessions, but for the genuine love and trustworthiness that emanate from our very being.

In what moments do you struggle to embody steadfast love and faithfulness? Pray for strength to choose these virtues even when it’s challenging. Where in your life could you infuse more kindness and loyalty? Identify specific actions you can take to be a better reflection of these values. How can you make “steadfast love” and “faithfulness” more deeply ingrained in your heart? 


Dear Lord, etch your love and faithfulness onto my heart like a permanent inscription. Remind me to wear them proudly, guiding my words and actions. Grant me the strength to choose kindness and loyalty even when it’s difficult. Let my life be a reflection of your goodness, earning your favor and the respect of those around me. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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