Daily Devotions from the Bible!

Author: Rev. Manual P Joseph Th.M Page 1 of 35

Name: Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph

Title: Pastor and Bible Teacher

Address: 339-343, Hagley Road, ISH, Birmingham, B17 8NH

Contact: +44 7768889521

Email: [email protected]

Biographical Profile:

Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph is an experienced Pastor and Bible Teacher with a profound commitment to congregational care and guiding individuals in their faith journey. With over ten years of dedicated service, he has exhibited a deep understanding of pastoral responsibilities and a genuine passion for nurturing spiritual growth within the community.

Having a strong foundation in biblical knowledge and doctrine, Manual is well-versed in effectively engaging and serving diverse age groups, including both youth and the elderly, within the church community. He is renowned for delivering engaging and insightful sermons that effectively communicate biblical principles to all audiences.

Throughout his ministerial journey, Manual has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, guiding and supporting the church community in fulfilling its mission. He has also played an instrumental role in overseeing and efficiently managing all areas of ministry, ensuring smooth daily operations and optimal resource utilization.

As a Visiting Faculty for Christian Apologetics at Kerala Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Manual has imparted his expertise through lectures, seminars, and workshops to master's level students. His passion for academic integrity and quality education has led him to serve as an Academic Dean and Teacher of Theology and Languages at Harvest Mission College, where he initiated student success initiatives and encouraged faculty and staff development.

With a heart for the youth, Manual has served as a Youth Pastor at Elim Bible Church, providing spiritual guidance and mentorship to the young members of the congregation. Additionally, as an Assistant Pastor at Faith Bible Church, he has effectively planned and conducted worship services, led various programs, and provided spiritual care to the community.

Manual's educational qualifications include a Master of Theology from Cohen University and Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Theology from Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

Born and raised in a devout Roman Catholic family, Manual's spiritual journey took a transformative turn when he accepted Christ as his personal Savior and dedicated his life to serving the Lord. His unwavering faith, coupled with his deep knowledge of the Bible and a heart for shepherding others, has made him a beloved and respected figure within the church community.

Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph's dedication to ministerial service, commitment to fostering unity within the congregation, and passion for creating an inclusive and welcoming environment make him a valued leader and mentor. Through his ministry, he continues to impact lives, spreading the transformative power of the Gospel and guiding others on their faith journey.

Peace in the Midst of Trouble!

Daily Devotion from the Bible!

This verse is part of Jesus’ final conversation with His disciples before His arrest and crucifixion. Jesus is preparing them for the trials ahead, promising that despite the inevitable troubles they will face, He has already secured victory over the world. His words offer reassurance to a group of men about to experience fear and confusion, reminding them that their peace is not found in worldly circumstances, but in Him.

Jesus doesn’t sugarcoat the truth: this world is filled with challenges. However, He also offers a promise—His peace transcends any trouble. It’s a peace rooted in His triumph over sin, death, and evil. Jesus’ victory on the cross ensures that no hardship can separate us from His love and peace.

Consider a ship in a stormy sea. The waves are crashing, and the wind howls, but deep inside the ship, there is calm. Jesus is like the heart of that ship. Outside, life’s storms rage, but in Him, we find a peace that remains steady, no matter what happens around us.

How do you react when life throws difficulties your way? Are you seeking peace in the world, or are you resting in Jesus, knowing that He has already overcome everything?

Today’s Prayer:Lord Jesus, thank You for Your promise of peace, even in the midst of trouble. Help me to remember that no matter what life throws my way, You have already overcome the world. Strengthen my heart and deepen my trust in Your victory. Fill me with Your peace today. In Your name, Amen.

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Trust Over Fear!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

This proverb, attributed to Solomon, highlights a timeless truth for believers—fear of human opinions and actions can trap us. In the ancient world, much like today, people were often influenced by the fear of rejection, persecution, or judgment from others. Solomon’s wisdom reminds us that trusting in the Lord is the path to true security.

When we allow the fear of others to dictate our actions, we become ensnared in anxiety and doubt. This fear can paralyze us from doing what is right or stepping out in faith. In contrast, trusting in God leads to freedom and safety. God is the ultimate protector and provider, and placing our trust in Him delivers us from the fear that holds us back.

Imagine walking a tightrope. If you focus on the crowd below, you may lose your balance, but if your gaze stays on the guide ahead, you’ll walk confidently. Trust in God is like focusing on the guide. While the world may seem intimidating, our trust in Him keeps us steady and safe.

Are there areas in your life where fear of others’ opinions or actions controls you? How can you lean more into trusting God in those moments?

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Peace Through Faith!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

The apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans to explain the essence of the Christian faith to the believers in Rome. In this verse, Paul highlights the beautiful reality of justification—being made right with God—not by our works, but through faith in Jesus. Before Christ, humanity was separated from God by sin, but through Jesus’ sacrifice, believers are reconciled with God and receive His peace.

Being justified by faith means that our standing with God is secure. This peace is not just an absence of conflict; it’s a deep, abiding tranquility knowing that we are forgiven and loved. No longer are we at odds with God; instead, we are embraced as His children. This peace is a gift, made possible through Christ, and it anchors us in life’s uncertainties.

Think of a ship in the midst of a storm. Despite the raging winds and crashing waves, an anchor keeps it steady. In the same way, the peace of God holds us steady amidst the storms of life, grounded in the assurance that we are reconciled with Him.

Are you living in the peace that comes from knowing you are justified by faith? How can you embrace this peace more fully in your daily life? Take a moment to reflect on what it means to be at peace with God and how that truth can transform your outlook.

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Called with Purpose!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

Jeremiah was called by God during a turbulent time in Israel’s history. He was young, inexperienced, and fearful of the task ahead. Yet God reassured him that his calling was not about his age, ability, or confidence—it was about God’s plan and presence with him. This passage reminds us that God knows us intimately, even before our birth, and He calls us for a purpose that goes beyond our limitations.

God’s words to Jeremiah are a profound reminder that our fears, insecurities, or perceived inadequacies do not hinder God’s plans. He equips those He calls and promises to be with us in every step. Like Jeremiah, we might feel unqualified for what God asks of us, but the reassurance comes in knowing that God is the One who sends us and strengthens us for His work.

Imagine a child learning to ride a bike. At first, they might be unsure, afraid of falling, but with a parent’s steady hand guiding them, they find confidence. In the same way, God is with us, holding us up, leading us forward, despite our uncertainties.

Are there areas in your life where you feel unqualified or afraid to step out? How can you lean on God’s strength and trust that He is with you? Reflect on a challenge you are facing and ask God for courage to trust in His calling and presence.

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Walking in the Light!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

Jesus speaks these words to Nicodemus, a Pharisee who comes to Him at night, seeking to understand the truth. Nicodemus, like many others, wrestled with fear, hiding in the dark to avoid exposure. Jesus contrasts the hidden nature of sin with the openness of those who live in the truth, encouraging a life lived transparently before God.

Sin thrives in secrecy, but truth is always open and clear. When we choose to live in the light of God’s presence, we expose our lives, our actions, and our hearts to His scrutiny. This can be daunting, but it is also freeing. God does not reveal our flaws to condemn us but to heal us and lead us into a life of righteousness. Living in the light means that we no longer need to hide, because we walk in the truth of God’s love and forgiveness.

Imagine walking into a dimly lit room with a small candle. It’s easy to miss what’s hiding in the shadows. But once the bright overhead light is turned on, everything becomes clear, and nothing is hidden. This is what God’s light does in our lives—He illuminates every corner of our hearts, freeing us from hiding and inviting us into a deeper relationship with Him.

Is there something you are hiding from God or others? How can you bring your life into the light today? Reflect on areas of your life where you might be holding back. Confess these to God, and ask for His light to guide you. Choose one action this week that brings transparency—whether it’s an honest conversation or an act of integrity.

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Worship Our Great God!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

Scripture Passage: Psalm 8:1

“O Lord, our Lord, how majestic is your name in all the earth! You have set your glory above the heavens.” — Psalm 8:1 (ESV)

Psalm 8 opens with an exclamation of praise to God, inviting us to marvel at the majesty and splendor of His name. The psalmist, King David, stands in awe of God’s greatness, recognizing that His glory surpasses all of creation. This verse sets the tone for a psalm that leads us to worship, reminding us of the reasons why God is worthy of our praise.

The first reason we should worship God is for His majesty. The word “majestic” speaks of royalty, power, and greatness. God is not just a powerful ruler; He is the King of kings, sovereign over all the earth. His name, representing His character and authority, is exalted above everything else in creation. In a world filled with brokenness and chaos, it is comforting to know that God reigns in perfect majesty. He is unchanging and glorious, and this is reason enough for us to worship Him.

Secondly, we worship God because of His glory. David points out that God’s glory is not confined to the earth but is set “above the heavens.” His greatness extends far beyond what we can see or comprehend. When we look at the vastness of the universe—the stars, the planets, and galaxies beyond our imagination—it should inspire a sense of awe. All of creation reflects His glory, yet even this is but a glimpse of His infinite beauty.

Lastly, we worship God because He is personal. David begins by calling Him “our Lord.” This great and majestic God is not distant. He is personal, relational, and cares deeply for each of us. Despite His transcendent glory, He invites us to know Him intimately and experience His love.

In response to God’s majesty, glory, and personal care, let us lift up our hearts in worship, exalting His name above all things. He is truly worthy of all praise!

Prayer: Thank you Lord for the day of Worship and help us worship you in spirit and truth. Help us acknowledge who you are give you all the glory due unto you. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Seek First, Trust Completely!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

This verse is part of Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount, where He teaches about the priorities of life. Speaking to His disciples and a larger crowd, Jesus contrasts worldly anxieties with trust in God’s provision. The audience, many of whom were poor and worried about daily needs, were encouraged to focus on God’s kingdom above material concerns.

Jesus calls us to focus on God’s kingdom and righteousness above all else. Rather than being consumed by worries about food, clothing, or the future, we are to align our lives with God’s purposes. When we make God our first priority, He promises to take care of our needs. This is not an invitation to neglect responsibilities, but a reminder that God is the ultimate provider. Trusting Him requires faith in His goodness, even when life feels uncertain.

Consider a gardener who tends to their plants daily, making sure they have water and sunlight. The plants don’t worry about their needs being met—they grow naturally, trusting in the gardener’s care. In the same way, God nourishes and sustains us when we place our trust in Him.

Are you allowing worries to distract you from seeking God’s kingdom? Reflect on what might be competing for first place in your life. How can you trust God more fully in these areas? Set aside time each day to focus on God’s Word and prayer. Identify one area of worry and release it to God, trusting in His provision. Look for ways to serve His kingdom through acts of love and kindness.

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Forgiven and Awestruck!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Daily Devotions from the Bible!

This verse highlights the transformative power of forgiveness. God’s forgiveness is not simply a release from guilt; it is a gift that brings us into a deeper relationship with Him. When we recognize the enormity of His grace, we respond in reverence and awe. Forgiveness doesn’t lead us to take God’s mercy lightly; rather, it stirs in us a profound respect and a desire to serve Him with our lives.

Imagine a person rescued from drowning. The gratitude they feel for their savior leads them to cherish their life more deeply. In the same way, God’s forgiveness draws us closer to Him, transforming our hearts to serve Him with love and honor.

How has God’s forgiveness shaped your life? Do you approach Him with awe, knowing the depth of His mercy? Reflect on areas where you can grow in reverence and service as a response to His grace.

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Don’t Throw Away Your Confidence!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Daily Devotionals from the Bible!

The writer of Hebrews was addressing early Christians who were experiencing persecution and hardship for their faith. He encouraged them not to lose heart, reminding them of the eternal reward that awaited them if they persevered. The call was clear—keep your confidence in God, no matter the struggle, because His promises will not fail.

This verse challenges us to hold on to our faith, even when life is tough. God’s rewards often come through patient endurance, requiring us to trust His timing and plan. Our confidence in His faithfulness should anchor us in the hardest moments.

Imagine someone climbing a mountain. As they ascend, the path becomes steeper, their energy wanes, and they’re tempted to turn back. But if they press on, they’ll eventually reach the breathtaking view at the summit. Likewise, our faith journey can feel overwhelming, but holding on to God’s promises will lead us to the fulfillment of His plans.

Think about a time when you felt like giving up on something important. How might God be calling you to persevere today? Where is your confidence being challenged, and how can you renew your trust in God’s promises?

This week, recommit to trusting God’s plan for your life, even in the face of difficulties. Share this confidence with others, encouraging them to stand firm in their faith.

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