Daily Devotions from the Bible!

Author: Rev. Manual P Joseph Th.M Page 9 of 35

Name: Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph

Title: Pastor and Bible Teacher

Address: 339-343, Hagley Road, ISH, Birmingham, B17 8NH

Contact: +44 7768889521

Email: [email protected]

Biographical Profile:

Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph is an experienced Pastor and Bible Teacher with a profound commitment to congregational care and guiding individuals in their faith journey. With over ten years of dedicated service, he has exhibited a deep understanding of pastoral responsibilities and a genuine passion for nurturing spiritual growth within the community.

Having a strong foundation in biblical knowledge and doctrine, Manual is well-versed in effectively engaging and serving diverse age groups, including both youth and the elderly, within the church community. He is renowned for delivering engaging and insightful sermons that effectively communicate biblical principles to all audiences.

Throughout his ministerial journey, Manual has demonstrated exceptional leadership skills, guiding and supporting the church community in fulfilling its mission. He has also played an instrumental role in overseeing and efficiently managing all areas of ministry, ensuring smooth daily operations and optimal resource utilization.

As a Visiting Faculty for Christian Apologetics at Kerala Baptist Bible College and Seminary, Manual has imparted his expertise through lectures, seminars, and workshops to master's level students. His passion for academic integrity and quality education has led him to serve as an Academic Dean and Teacher of Theology and Languages at Harvest Mission College, where he initiated student success initiatives and encouraged faculty and staff development.

With a heart for the youth, Manual has served as a Youth Pastor at Elim Bible Church, providing spiritual guidance and mentorship to the young members of the congregation. Additionally, as an Assistant Pastor at Faith Bible Church, he has effectively planned and conducted worship services, led various programs, and provided spiritual care to the community.

Manual's educational qualifications include a Master of Theology from Cohen University and Theological Seminary and a Bachelor of Theology from Faith Baptist Bible College and Seminary.

Born and raised in a devout Roman Catholic family, Manual's spiritual journey took a transformative turn when he accepted Christ as his personal Savior and dedicated his life to serving the Lord. His unwavering faith, coupled with his deep knowledge of the Bible and a heart for shepherding others, has made him a beloved and respected figure within the church community.

Manual Pulickaparampil Joseph's dedication to ministerial service, commitment to fostering unity within the congregation, and passion for creating an inclusive and welcoming environment make him a valued leader and mentor. Through his ministry, he continues to impact lives, spreading the transformative power of the Gospel and guiding others on their faith journey.

Blessings of Legacy!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, the elders and people at the gate bless Boaz and Ruth, invoking the names of Rachel and Leah, the matriarchs who played crucial roles in building the house of Israel. This blessing signifies the community’s recognition and approval of Boaz’s marriage to Ruth, wishing them prosperity and a lasting legacy. The mention of Perez, the son of Tamar and Judah, further emphasizes the theme of redemption and continuity within the family line.

An inspiring example from the Bible that relates to this verse is the blessing Jacob gave to his sons before his death (Genesis 49). Each son received a blessing that reflected their future roles and contributions to the twelve tribes of Israel. These blessings were not just words but prophecies that shaped the destiny of the nation of Israel. Jacob’s blessings demonstrate the power of spoken words in bestowing legacy and purpose.

The lessons from Ruth 4:11-12 and Jacob’s blessings can be applied to modern life by understanding the importance of community support and the power of blessings. We can speak blessings over our loved ones, encouraging and uplifting them in their endeavors. Additionally, recognizing and affirming the contributions of others can strengthen community bonds and foster a sense of belonging and purpose.

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Redemption and Restoration!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Boaz publicly declares his commitment to redeeming Naomi’s family property and taking Ruth as his wife. This act of redemption signifies his role as a guardian-redeemer, ensuring the preservation of Elimelek’s family line and protecting Ruth and Naomi. This context highlights the themes of loyalty, protection, and the continuation of family heritage, demonstrating the cultural importance of redemption and restoration.

An inspiring example from the Bible is the story of Jesus Christ, our ultimate Redeemer. In John 19:30, Jesus declared, “It is finished,” signifying the completion of His redemptive work on the cross. Just as Boaz redeemed Ruth and Naomi, Jesus redeems us from sin and restores us to a right relationship with God. His sacrifice ensures our spiritual heritage and eternal life, emphasizing the ultimate act of love and redemption.

The lessons from Ruth 4:9-10 and Jesus’ sacrifice teach us about the importance of redemption and restoration in our lives. We can apply these principles by showing loyalty and commitment to our families, friends, and communities. Just as Boaz and Jesus provided protection and restoration, we should strive to support and uplift those around us, offering help and hope to those in need.

Prayer: Heavenly Father, thank You for Your unwavering love and the gift of redemption through Jesus Christ. Help us to be instruments of Your love and restoration, committed to supporting and protecting those around us. May our actions reflect Your grace and compassion. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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God’s Provision and Protection!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Boaz acknowledges Ruth’s loyalty and integrity. He commends her for her kindness and reassures her of his willingness to fulfill the role of the guardian-redeemer, a practice in which a close relative marries a widow to preserve the family line. This context highlights the cultural importance of family loyalty and protection, and Boaz’s promise underscores God’s provision and faithfulness.

A related example is the story of Joseph in the New Testament. In Matthew 1:19-24, Joseph, a man of noble character, decided to quietly end his engagement to Mary to protect her from public disgrace when he found out she was pregnant. However, after an angel explained the divine nature of her pregnancy, Joseph faithfully took Mary as his wife, providing for and protecting her and Jesus.

The lessons from Ruth 3:10-13 and Joseph’s story remind us of the importance of loyalty, integrity, and faithfulness. In our lives, we can apply these principles by being committed and loyal to our families, friends, and community. We should strive to be people of noble character, seeking to protect and provide for those in need, just as Boaz and Joseph did.

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Praise God in His Sanctuary!

Today’s Manna!

This verse is the opening of Psalm 150, a call to worship that concludes the book of Psalms. It exhorts believers to praise God everywhere: in His sanctuary (the place of worship on earth) and in His mighty heavens (the expanse of creation). This duality signifies that God’s praise is universal, encompassing both the earthly and the divine realms.

An inspiring example of this principle is found in the story of King Solomon dedicating the temple in Jerusalem. In 1 Kings 8:27-30, Solomon prays to God, acknowledging His greatness and asking for His presence in the newly built temple. Solomon’s dedication prayer highlights the sanctuary as a place where God’s people can gather to worship and seek His presence. This event demonstrates the importance of designated places of worship and the collective act of praising God.

In our modern lives, this verse encourages us to recognize and utilize the spaces where we can encounter God, whether it be in church, in nature, or in our homes. It reminds us that praise is not confined to a specific location but should be a part of our daily lives. Practical ways to apply this lesson include setting aside regular times for worship, participating in community worship, and finding moments throughout the day to acknowledge and thank God for His presence and blessings.

Prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, we praise You in Your sanctuary and in the vastness of Your creation. Help us to continually find ways to worship You, both in designated places of worship and in our daily lives. May our praise be a reflection of our love and gratitude for all that You are and all that You do. Fill our hearts with the joy of worship and let our lives be a testament to Your glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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A Bold Step of Faith!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Ruth follows Naomi’s bold plan to seek Boaz’s protection and provision. By uncovering his feet and asking him to spread his garment over her, Ruth is symbolically requesting Boaz to take her under his care as her kinsman-redeemer. This act required tremendous courage and faith, as Ruth was a foreigner and a widow, relying solely on Boaz’s integrity and kindness.

An inspiring example from the Bible that mirrors Ruth’s boldness is the story of Esther. When faced with the impending destruction of her people, Esther approached King Xerxes uninvited, risking her life to plead for mercy for the Jews (Esther 4-5). Her courageous act, driven by faith and a desire to save her people, led to their deliverance and the downfall of their enemies.

The lesson from Ruth and Esther’s stories is the importance of taking bold steps of faith, especially in uncertain and challenging situations. In modern life, this can mean standing up for justice, speaking truth in difficult circumstances, or making decisions that align with God’s will even when they seem risky. Trusting God with the outcome, we can move forward with courage and conviction.

To apply these lessons, we can start by identifying areas in our lives where we need to take a step of faith. Seek God’s guidance through prayer and scripture, and be willing to act even when the path is not fully clear. Trust that God is with you, and He will honor your faith and courage.

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Trust and Obey!

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Ruth displays her trust and obedience to Naomi’s guidance. Naomi, concerned for Ruth’s future, advises her on how to approach Boaz, their kinsman-redeemer. Ruth’s response is one of complete trust and submission, demonstrating her respect and faith in Naomi’s wisdom. The context highlights Ruth’s unwavering loyalty and Naomi’s strategic efforts to secure a future for her.

An inspiring biblical example that mirrors this trust and obedience is the story of Abraham when he was called to sacrifice his son Isaac (Genesis 22). Abraham obeyed God’s command without hesitation, trusting in God’s promise and provision. This profound act of faith resulted in God providing a ram as a substitute, demonstrating His faithfulness and reaffirming His covenant with Abraham.

The lessons from Ruth and Abraham’s stories emphasize the importance of trust and obedience in our relationship with God and others. In modern life, this could mean listening to wise counsel from trusted mentors, leaders, or loved ones, and taking steps of faith even when the outcome is uncertain. It’s about surrendering our own plans and trusting that God’s ways are higher and His plans are for our good.

To apply these lessons, we can start by seeking godly advice and being open to following it. We should cultivate a heart that listens and obeys God’s direction, trusting that He knows what is best for us. This might involve stepping out of our comfort zones and taking bold steps of faith, knowing that God will guide and provide.

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Seeking Rest and Security!

Today’s Manna!

In this verse, Naomi expresses her concern for Ruth’s future and well-being. As a loving mother-in-law, Naomi seeks to find a place of rest and security for Ruth, understanding the importance of stability and provision in her life. The context of this verse is Naomi’s plan to secure a future for Ruth through the cultural practice of leveraging a kinsman-redeemer, Boaz. This shows Naomi’s proactive approach to ensure Ruth’s long-term welfare, reflecting her deep care and wisdom.

An inspiring biblical example that relates to this principle is the story of Esther (Esther 4). When the Jewish people were threatened with annihilation, Esther, guided by her cousin Mordecai, took proactive steps to ensure their safety. She approached King Xerxes with a courageous plan, risking her life to plead for her people. Esther’s actions led to the protection and security of the Jewish people, demonstrating the power of proactive and courageous intervention for the welfare of others.

Applying these lessons to modern life, we can learn the value of seeking security and stability, not just for ourselves but for those we care about. This might involve planning for the future, making wise financial decisions, or ensuring the well-being of our families. It also emphasizes the importance of seeking God’s guidance and wisdom in our decisions, trusting that He will lead us to places of provision and rest.

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Stay in the Field!

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Naomi advises Ruth to stay in Boaz’s field, emphasizing the safety and provision found there. Boaz, being a kinsman-redeemer, represents God’s protection and provision. Ruth’s obedience to Naomi’s advice and her diligence in working in Boaz’s field ensures her safety and sustenance through the harvest season. This passage highlights the importance of heeding wise counsel and remaining in places of God’s provision and protection.

An inspiring biblical example related to this principle is Elijah’s experience during the drought (1 Kings 17). God instructs Elijah to go to the Kerith Ravine, where he would be fed by ravens, and later to Zarephath, where a widow would provide for him. Elijah’s obedience to God’s guidance ensures his sustenance during the difficult time. This story underscores the importance of following divine direction and remaining where God’s provision is promised, even when circumstances seem uncertain.

These lessons remind us to seek and stay within the boundaries of God’s provision and guidance. In our daily lives, this can mean staying committed to our faith communities, following wise and godly advice, and trusting in God’s plans even when we face uncertainties. By doing so, we can experience God’s protection, provision, and blessings.

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Hard Work Pays Off!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Ruth’s diligence and hard work are evident. She labors from morning until evening, gleaning barley in Boaz’s field. Her efforts result in an ephah of barley—an impressive amount for a day’s work. When she returns to Naomi, not only does she bring the gathered barley, but also shares what she had left over from her meal. This shows Ruth’s commitment to providing for Naomi and her own dedication to making the most of the opportunities given to her.

An inspiring example of diligence and provision in the Bible is Joseph’s story in Egypt (Genesis 41). Despite being sold into slavery and wrongfully imprisoned, Joseph remains diligent and faithful. His hard work and God-given wisdom eventually lead him to become Pharaoh’s second-in-command. Joseph’s preparation and planning during the seven years of plenty ensure that Egypt and surrounding nations are sustained during the subsequent seven years of famine. His foresight and hard work not only save many lives but also demonstrate God’s providence and blessing through diligent effort.

The lessons from Ruth and Joseph encourage us to be diligent in our endeavors and to share our blessings with others. In our modern lives, this might mean working hard at our jobs, being consistent in our commitments, or helping those around us with our time and resources. Diligence combined with a heart of generosity can make a significant impact on our communities and reflect God’s love and provision.

Heavenly Father, thank You for the examples of diligence and provision in the Bible. Help us to work hard in all we do and to share our blessings with others. May our efforts honor You and provide for those in need. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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Generous Blessings Abound!

Today’s Manna!

This passage showcases Boaz’s generosity and kindness toward Ruth. In the context of Ruth’s story, she is a Moabite widow who has returned with her mother-in-law, Naomi, to Bethlehem. They are poor and Ruth goes to glean in the fields to provide for them. Boaz, a relative of Naomi, notices Ruth and extends extraordinary kindness to her, ensuring she is well-fed and able to glean abundantly. His actions reflect God’s provision and care for the marginalized.

An inspiring example of generosity in the Bible is the story of Jesus feeding the 5,000 (John 6:1-14). Despite the scarcity of resources—just five loaves and two fish—Jesus miraculously provides more than enough food for everyone. His compassion and provision meet the physical needs of the crowd and demonstrate God’s abundant care and power.

The lessons from Ruth and Jesus’ miracle encourage us to show kindness and generosity to those in need. In our daily lives, we can be generous with our time, resources, and compassion. Volunteering at local shelters, supporting food banks, or simply offering a helping hand to someone in need are practical ways to live out these principles. By doing so, we reflect God’s love and care, becoming channels of His blessings to others.

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