Daily Devotions from the Bible!

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The Tables Have Turned!

Today’s Manna!

These verses depict a pivotal moment where Haman’s downfall begins. After being forced to honor Mordecai, the very man he despised, Haman realizes that his plans are unraveling. His own family and friends recognize that opposing Mordecai, a Jew, spells certain defeat.

This story mirrors the Apostle Paul’s experience in Acts 9. Before his conversion, Paul, then known as Saul, was fervently persecuting Christians. However, after encountering Jesus on the road to Damascus, his life was turned upside down. The very cause he sought to destroy became his mission. Like Haman, Paul’s life took an unexpected turn, but unlike Haman, Paul embraced this change and became a powerful advocate for the faith he once opposed.

In our lives, we might encounter situations where we are on the wrong path or working against God’s purposes. These stories remind us that God can turn the tables, redirecting our lives for His glory. We must be open to His guidance and ready to change course when He reveals the truth.

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Unexpected Honor!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Mordecai, who had been overlooked and targeted by Haman, is suddenly honored by the king. Haman’s plans to destroy Mordecai are thwarted, and instead, he is forced to publicly honor the very man he despised. This dramatic reversal is a testament to God’s justice and timing.

A similar moment of unexpected honor occurs in the New Testament with Peter in Acts 12. After being imprisoned by Herod, Peter was miraculously freed by an angel of the Lord. His enemies had plotted his demise, but God intervened, and Peter was delivered from certain death. This story, like Mordecai’s, reminds us that God is always in control, even when our circumstances seem dire.

In our own lives, we may face challenges where it feels like everything is against us. These stories encourage us to trust in God’s providence. Even when we are overlooked or treated unfairly, God is working behind the scenes. He can turn the tables, bringing honor and vindication when we least expect it. Our role is to remain steadfast in faith, trusting that God’s timing is perfect.

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A Call to Joyful Praise!

Today’s Manna!

Scripture Passage: Psalm 100:1-5

Psalm 100:1-5 (NIV) invites us to, “Shout for joy to the Lord, all the earth. Worship the Lord with gladness; come before him with joyful songs. Know that the Lord is God. It is he who made us, and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture. Enter his gates with thanksgiving and his courts with praise; give thanks to him and praise his name. For the Lord is good and his love endures forever; his faithfulness continues through all generations.”

This psalm is a joyful call to worship, expressing the heart of one who understands the goodness, love, and faithfulness of God. The psalmist invites everyone to praise God with gladness, recognizing Him as the Creator and Shepherd who lovingly cares for His people. The passage emphasizes the importance of entering God’s presence with gratitude and praise, acknowledging His enduring goodness and faithfulness.

A powerful example of this kind of joyful worship can be seen in the life of Paul and Silas. While imprisoned, they chose to worship God through prayer and singing hymns, despite their circumstances (Acts 16:25). Their praise not only uplifted their spirits but also led to a miraculous earthquake that set them free. This act of worship in difficult times is a testament to the power of praising God, regardless of our situation.

In our daily lives, it’s easy to let worries and challenges steal our joy. Yet, Psalm 100 reminds us to focus on God’s goodness and faithfulness. We are encouraged to approach Him with a heart full of gratitude and to let our joy in Him be expressed through our praise. Whether we are experiencing blessings or trials, worship can transform our perspective and invite God’s presence into our lives.

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The Night of Divine Intervention!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, we witness a pivotal moment where God’s timing becomes evident. King Xerxes, unable to sleep, is prompted to review the chronicles of his reign, leading to the discovery of Mordecai’s unrecognized act of loyalty. This moment of insomnia becomes the turning point in the story, setting the stage for Mordecai’s eventual honor and the unraveling of Haman’s plot. God’s providence is at work, ensuring that the righteous are remembered and rewarded, even when it seems that their deeds have gone unnoticed.

An inspiring example of divine intervention can be seen in the life of Joseph in the New Testament. After being sold into slavery by his brothers, Joseph faced numerous trials and injustices. Yet, in God’s perfect timing, he was elevated to a position of power in Egypt, where he could save his family and many others during a severe famine (Genesis 41:41-43). Like Mordecai, Joseph’s faithfulness was eventually recognized and rewarded in God’s time.

In our own lives, we may feel that our efforts or good deeds go unnoticed or that we are stuck in unjust situations. However, Esther 6:1-3 reminds us that God sees all and that His timing is perfect. We are encouraged to trust in His plans, knowing that He can use even the smallest circumstances to bring about His purposes. Just as King Xerxes’ sleepless night led to Mordecai’s recognition, God can intervene in unexpected ways to bring about justice and blessing in our lives.

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The Folly of Revenge!

Today’s Manna!

This verse shows how bitterness and a desire for revenge can lead to destructive decisions. Haman’s anger toward Mordecai had grown so intense that he eagerly embraced the idea of setting up a pole to execute him. The counsel he received from his wife and friends fueled his vengeful plot, blinding him to the consequences of his actions. Instead of seeking justice or reconciliation, Haman allowed his pride and wrath to push him toward a course of evil that would ultimately lead to his downfall.

An inspiring example can be found in the life of Jesus, who, despite being wronged and betrayed, chose forgiveness over revenge. On the cross, Jesus prayed for those who were crucifying Him, saying, “Father, forgive them, for they do not know what they are doing” (Luke 23:34). This act of forgiveness highlights the stark contrast between the path of vengeance and the path of grace.

In our lives, we may encounter situations where we are wronged or treated unjustly. The temptation to seek revenge can be strong, but this verse warns us of the dangers of allowing such feelings to dictate our actions. Instead, we are called to follow Christ’s example of forgiveness, understanding that revenge only perpetuates harm, while forgiveness opens the door to healing and peace.

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Blinded by Pride!

Today’s Manna!

Esther 5:9-13 (NIV) describes Haman’s reaction after attending Queen Esther’s banquet.

This passage illustrates the destructive nature of pride and how it can blind a person to the blessings in their life. Despite his wealth, status, and the honor bestowed upon him, Haman’s joy was completely overshadowed by his anger and resentment towards Mordecai. His pride and obsession with Mordecai’s perceived disrespect consumed him, preventing him from appreciating all that he had.

A similar example can be found in the story of the Pharisee and the tax collector (Luke 18:9-14). The Pharisee was proud of his religious accomplishments, boasting to God about his fasting and tithing, while looking down on the tax collector. However, it was the humble tax collector who went home justified before God, highlighting how pride can distort our self-perception and distance us from God’s grace.

In our lives, pride can easily lead us to focus on the negatives, even when we are surrounded by blessings. By recognizing and curbing pride, we can cultivate gratitude and humility, which open our hearts to God’s work in our lives.

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A Cry for Help!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Mordecai, a Jewish leader in the Persian Empire, reacts with profound grief and despair upon learning of the decree that orders the annihilation of the Jewish people. His actions—tearing his clothes, wearing sackcloth, and wailing publicly—reflect the depth of his anguish. Across the empire, the Jewish people shared in this deep sorrow, fasting and mourning as they faced an existential threat. This moment marks a turning point in the story, as it prompts Esther to take bold action.

An inspiring example from the New Testament that echoes this moment is found in the account of Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane (Matthew 26:36-39). Faced with the impending crucifixion, Jesus prayed fervently, expressing His deep sorrow and anguish. Like Mordecai, Jesus turned to God in His time of greatest need, submitting to God’s will even in the face of immense suffering. This parallel highlights the importance of turning to God during our most challenging moments.

The lesson from these verses is clear: when confronted with overwhelming trials, we should respond with humility and seek God’s guidance and intervention. In our modern lives, this might mean acknowledging our limitations and bringing our fears and worries before God in prayer. We can also seek the support of our faith community, knowing that we do not have to face our struggles alone. Just as Mordecai and the Jews united in their mourning, we too can find strength in unity and collective prayer.

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A Dark Decree!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In this passage, Haman’s sinister plot to destroy the Jews is formalized and communicated across the vast Persian Empire. With the king’s authority behind him, Haman issues a decree that spells out the mass extermination of an entire people group. This decree, driven by Haman’s hatred and pride, showcases the dangers of unchecked power and evil intentions. The Jewish people were unaware of the impending danger until the decree was publicly proclaimed, leaving them in a state of fear and uncertainty.

A New Testament example of a similar situation is seen with the apostle Paul, who once persecuted Christians with a zeal similar to Haman’s. In Acts 9:1-2, Paul, then known as Saul, was “breathing out murderous threats against the Lord’s disciples.” He sought letters from the high priest to arrest and bring Christians to Jerusalem for punishment. However, God intervened, transforming Saul’s heart and turning him into one of the greatest apostles, showing that even the darkest intentions can be overcome by God’s power.

These passages remind us of the destructive potential of hatred and the importance of standing firm in our faith when faced with evil. In modern life, we must be vigilant in opposing injustice and advocating for those who are vulnerable. This could involve speaking out against discrimination, offering support to those in need, or simply living with integrity in a world where evil can sometimes seem overwhelming.

Special Prayer Request: Please pray for Wayanad, a district in Kerala, India! Extremely heavy rain triggered the landslides in the hilly areas of Wayanad early on Tuesday (30/07/24), leaving at least 305 people dead and more than 200 injured. Another 240 people are still missing. The rescue teams are working under harsh conditions to search for survivors and provide relief to the injured and displaced. Please pray for the rescue operations and for the people who lost their dear ones and everything they had including their homes.

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Beware of Deception!

Reading Time : 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Haman deceives King Xerxes by manipulating him into signing a decree to annihilate the Jews. Haman uses half-truths and exaggerations to paint the Jews as a threat, driven by his personal vendetta against Mordecai. The king, trusting Haman without verifying the facts, grants him authority to carry out his evil plan.

A similar situation occurs in the New Testament with Pilate and Jesus. In Matthew 27:20-26, the religious leaders persuade the crowd to ask for Jesus’ crucifixion. Pilate, though recognizing Jesus’ innocence, succumbs to the pressure of the crowd and authorizes Jesus’ death. Both instances highlight the danger of unchecked power and the importance of discernment.

These stories warn us to be vigilant against deception and manipulation. In our lives, we must be careful not to accept information at face value without seeking the truth. This could involve verifying facts before making decisions, questioning motives behind suggestions, or praying for wisdom in challenging situations.

Prayer: Father, thank You for the wisdom in Your Word. Help us to be discerning in our decisions and cautious of those who seek to deceive. Give us the courage to seek and stand for the truth, even when it is difficult. Guide us in Your truth, and protect us from the snares of the enemy. Amen.

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Standing Strong Against Hatred!

Reading Time: 2 Minutes!

Today’s Manna!

In these verses, Haman’s pride is wounded by Mordecai’s refusal to bow. Instead of targeting Mordecai alone, Haman’s anger extends to all Jews, plotting their destruction. This escalation shows the destructive power of hatred and prejudice.

A New Testament parallel is found in Stephen’s martyrdom in Acts 7:54-60. Stephen, full of faith, boldly proclaims the gospel, inciting the rage of the Sanhedrin. They stone him, but his steadfast faith and forgiveness toward his persecutors exemplify a Christ-like response to hatred.

These stories teach us the importance of standing firm in our faith and convictions, even in the face of intense opposition and hatred. In modern life, we might face prejudice or hostility for our beliefs. We can apply these lessons by responding to hatred with love and forgiveness, seeking strength from God. Practical steps include praying for our enemies, practicing empathy, and standing up against injustice with grace and truth.

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